However, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Scarlett Johansson, the actress who plays Black Widow in the MCU offered some insights into the film. And it sure sounds pretty intriguing.
It’s a film about self-forgiveness and it’s a film about family. I think in life we sort of come of age many times and you have these kind of moments where you’re in a transitional phase and then you move sort of beyond it and I think in the Black Widow standalone film I think the character is at, when we find her, a moment of real crisis, and throughout the film, by facing herself in a lot of ways and a lot of things that make her, her, she actually kind of comes through that crisis on the other side and we start to be able to reset where she’s a more grounded, self-possessed person. So that’s her journey, well, I hope anyway. This certainly feels like the right direction the film should head in. Black Widow is a layered character with a dark past, filled with pain, suffering and trauma. It would be great to see this aspect of the character explored in-depth in a psychological drama-action that pushes the boundaries of the PG-13 rating.