Here are the list of the aforementioned SOPs that was recently published by MKN:

Only two persons are allowed to leave their homes for the purpose of obtaining food supplies and other necessities. High-risk individuals and children are not encouraged to go out into public or crowded areas throughout CMCO.

Movement in and out across districts and states affected by EMCO are prohibited, with the exception of emergency cases such as illness and funeral management. However, these will still require individuals to submit an application to PDRM.

Workers are allowed to cross districts and states, provided that they possess a valid employee pass or letter of permission from their employer. Those who reside in the same location or state as their workplace are not required to present authorities with any form of documentation. The government encourages employers to allow their employees to work from home.


Individuals who are required to travel across Selangor and Kuala Lumpur to other states are advised to get permission from the nearest police station prior to their trip. The same applies to those who are required to travel domestically by air.

All business, economic and industrial activities are allowed to operate throughout the CMCO period.

Purchase of food is encouraged to be done by drive-thru, deliveries or take-away only. Dining in at food premises is allowed, but is limited to only two persons per table with compliance with SOP.

Restaurants, stalls, food trucks, hawkers, kiosks, food courts, as well as grocery and convenience stores are allowed to operate between 6am to 10pm. As for other premises, daily markets operations are allowed between 6am to 2pm, wholesale markets at 4am to 2pm, farmers market at 6am to 12pm, and night markets at 4pm to 10pm.

Fuel stations are allowed to operate between 6.00 am to 10.00 pm, with the exception of 24-hour stations along highways.

Public transportation services such as non-stop buses, express buses, LRT, taxis and e-hailing are allowed to operate as per usual.

Taxis and e-hailing services are permitted to only carry a maximum of two passengers. Both services along with food deliveries are allowed to operate from 6 am to 12am during CMCO.

Government and private clinics as well as hospitals may operate 24-hours a day, whereas pharmacies and drug stores are allowed to be open from 8am to 11pm.


The activities of the economic and industrial sectors are allowed to operate during CMCO, but with compliance of the SOPs that have been set.

All vehicles related to industry, business, manufacturing are allowed to operate as usual including across districts and states.

Fisheries, plantation, agriculture, livestock and everything related to the food industry are allowed to operate.

Services at all airports and sea ports are allowed to operate as per usual during CMCO.

Religious gatherings at locations such as mosques and churches are permitted but are only limited to a total of 6 individuals. Management and staff of these locations are also limited to 6 persons only.

All leisure, recreational and cultural activities are prohibited. These include night clubs or pubs, recreation centers, theme parks, indoor playgrounds and cinemas.

Individual sports activities, e-sports, non-contact sports and outdoor sports that are not exceeding 10 people are allowed to operate. However, swimming pools activities and sports that involve physical contact are prohibited.


Organising sports related competitions and events in the presence of spectators or involve foreignb participants are not allowed.

Public and private institutes of higher learning, skills training Institutes, schools, kindergartens, nurseries, tahfiz centers and childcare centers are required to close during the CMCO period. Students from schools, IPTA or IPTS are allowed to sit for their exams, but are not allowed to attend learning sessions.

Seminars, workshops, training courses, conferences as well as activities related to meetings, conventions and exhibitions are not allowed. However, ongoing in-service training can only be implemented in the training area. Meetings should be only held via video conferencing.Official and informal gatherings such as feasts, weddings and engagements, birthday celebrations, and other social gatherings are not allowed.All tourism activities in and out of the Klang Valley region are not allowed during the CMCO period.

For further information regarding the SOPs, please refer to MKN’s official social media channels on Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, as well as its official website. (Source: MKN [Telegram] [Twitter])